Locks with the same secrecy

Locks with the same secrecy are a popular solution for housing and public utilities services, residential and administration buildings service establishments, power and communication services. Many of our customers evaluated the advantages of locks with the same secrecy.

We offer:
  • manufacture of locks with the same secrecy based on any baseline model;
  • production of any number of the locks;
  • reliable disc tumbler mechanism;
  • high level of secrecy;
  • minimal markup to the base cost of the lock;

A special offering! Security code storage for batches of locks with the same secrecy.

At your option, we can save your security code. If necessary, you can always order additional locks of the secrecy you have or order additional keys to your locks.

To all questions about the assortment and possibility of locking product purchase from the manufacturer PAO Cheboksary Aggregate Plant
Our specialists are eager to reply at any time!

+7 (8352) 388-488, 387-455
E-mail: info@cheblock.ru
1 Mira Avenue, b. 4, Cheboksary, 428022